Training Programs

Studies show that frequent training provided to staff and managers help reduce the risk of employee-related complaints, lawsuits and grievances. We can develop essential training programs that benefit your business needs; whether it's for a large group or a 1-on-1 employee training session.

Below are a few of the training programs that we specialize in and typically recommend to clients that are looking to improve their workplace and employee's work performance.


“Reasonable Accommodation”

  • Discusses the legal foundation of Reasonable Accommodation and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

“Workplace Bullying”

  • Resources for how to address the workplace bully.

“Constructive Discipline & Adverse Actions”

  • Discusses supervisory roles and responsibilities in addressing employee misconduct, types of disciplinary actions and and procedural requirements.

“Equal Employment Opportunity”

  • Overview of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements and laws.

“Effectively Managing Employee Performance”

  • Discusses supervisory roles and responsibilities in managing:

    • Employee performance

    • Performance management foundations

    • How to assess and improve performance.

“Sexual Harassment In The Workplace”

  • What all supervisors and employees need to know.

“Dealing with Problem Employees”

  • Discusses options for dealing with problem employees. Provides guidance and action plans for conduct and performance issues.

“Conducting Employee Relations Investigations”

  • Overview of the investigation process.