Employee Services
The main reason an employee needs representation, is to ensure that any grievances or work related issues are handled professionally, properly and fairly.
Having guidance and assistance will provide minimal stress throughout the process and ultimately prove invaluable no matter the final outcome.
We are flexible in how much advice and support we provide; you can instruct us to do as much or as little work on your case as you choose. Typically, you may need help with all or some of the following:
We will draft and review your grievance to ensure it is accurate and persuasive to ensure maximum impact.
If you have to attend a Grievance Hearing it is essential that you have fully and carefully prepared your case. We can help you by:
Attending the Pre-Hearing conference on your behalf.
Creating your exhibit binder.
Drafting your witness statements.
Filing any needed motions.
Requesting information and other documentation from your employer that is relevant to your case.
Write to your employer to make representations on your behalf.
We will make sure you are knowledgeable about the hearing process, know what to expect and how to properly conduct yourself at your grievance hearing; including helping you challenge your employer’s evidence.
Our main objective is to give you the knowledge and confidence to protect your best interests during the disciplinary process. We can provide you with an analysis on the merits of the allegations being made against you; we will explain your realistic options and suggest how best to react to your employer’s case against you.
We will skillfully draft your responses to proposed disciplinary actions to ensure your defense is suitably prepared and articulated. Throughout your case, you can benefit from our practical experience and tactical guidance, so you can be confident that you are doing everything you should to save your reputation and your job.
If you are disciplined or terminated we can review your case and advise you about your right to grieve and, if relevant, the merits of bringing a related complaint.
Conflict Resolution
Prevent and resolve problems by offering practical solutions to issues or problems at work whether with management or a fellow employee. We help identify the root cause of the problem and offer effective resolution strategies.
Settlement Agreements
We routinely advise and negotiate settlement agreements ranging from straightforward to complex. Our approach is thorough, efficient and effective.
Our experienced settlement agreement advice will include:
Discussing with you the settlement agreement terms and any issues or concerns you have.
Reviewing the background to the settlement and advising you on your entitlements and whether the terms of the agreement are fair.
Advising and assisting you on how to respond to your employer or their advocates to get you the best possible agreement.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of workers’ disabilities. The ADA also requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations -- changes to the workplace or job -- to allow employees with disabilities to do their jobs.
We can help you navigate through this process by advising you on when and how to request an accommodation, how much medical information to provide, negotiating the accommodation with your employer and what steps to take if your accommodation is denied.
Provide expert advice in EEO complaint processing procedures including:
Case assessment
Step by step guide to filing a complaint
Assistance with framing and drafting the complaint
EEOC mediation representation